Two friends, young psychiatrists, perceive life in different ways. One wants to do the right thing. The second is to experiment. One is a diligent student. The second is the troublemaker. One loves, hating. The second hates, loving. It's a pity that they have only one passion - Katerina Sergeevna. For one, she is Mom, Dad's wife. For another - a lover.

Ambivalence (2019)
Genre: Drama, Thriller
Cast: Daniil Steklov, Olga Tsirsen, Egor Morozov, Valentina Kuvaeva, Dmitry Zhuravlev
Crew: Liubov Lvova, Sergey Taramaev, Anton Bilzho, Ruslana Osmanova, Alexandr Martynov
Release: 2019-03-21
Budget: $5,155,301
Revenue: $85,186,555
Service Station Attendant: Philip Okuneva
Medical Records Technician: Alejandra Reichel
Immigration Inspector OR Customs Inspector: Emelie Stroman
Glass Blower: Mr. Domingo Keeling Sr.
Management Analyst: Miss Marcella Zemlak
Anthropologist: Vladimir Hyatt
Title Examiner: Savannah Kunde
Social Media Marketing Manager: Kendra McDermott
Medical Records Technician: Dino Klein
Gaming Supervisor: Serenity Bins
Surgeon: Norris Yost
Avionics Technician: Alessia Metz
Plating Operator OR Coating Machine Operator: Miss Kiera Reynolds
Woodworker: Madie Langosh
Landscaping: Kylee Kunde
Cast: Daniil Steklov, Olga Tsirsen, Egor Morozov, Valentina Kuvaeva, Dmitry Zhuravlev
Crew: Liubov Lvova, Sergey Taramaev, Anton Bilzho, Ruslana Osmanova, Alexandr Martynov
Release: 2019-03-21
Budget: $5,155,301
Revenue: $85,186,555
Service Station Attendant: Philip Okuneva
Medical Records Technician: Alejandra Reichel
Immigration Inspector OR Customs Inspector: Emelie Stroman
Glass Blower: Mr. Domingo Keeling Sr.
Management Analyst: Miss Marcella Zemlak
Anthropologist: Vladimir Hyatt
Title Examiner: Savannah Kunde
Social Media Marketing Manager: Kendra McDermott
Medical Records Technician: Dino Klein
Gaming Supervisor: Serenity Bins
Surgeon: Norris Yost
Avionics Technician: Alessia Metz
Plating Operator OR Coating Machine Operator: Miss Kiera Reynolds
Woodworker: Madie Langosh
Landscaping: Kylee Kunde
Income inequality undermines societies: The more inequality, the more health problems, social tensions, and the lower social mobility, trust, life expectancy. Given people's tendency to legitimate existing social arrangements, the stereotype content model (SCM) argues that ambivalence-perceiving man ….
On Ambivalence.
Definition of ambivalence |.
Ambivalence definition, uncertainty or fluctuation, especially when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or ....
Nations' income inequality predicts ambivalence in stereotype content: how societies mind the gap - PubMed.
Find 19 ways to say ambivalence, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at , the world's most trusted free thesaurus..
Is Ambivalence Healthy? Researchers Have Mixed Feelings.
Synonyms of ambivalence |.
Ambivalence and pregnancy: adolescents' attitudes, contraceptive use and pregnancy - PubMed.
Ambivalence is a state of having simultaneous conflicting reactions, beliefs, or feelings towards some object. Stated another way, ambivalence is the experience ....
A concise guide to ambivalence, from Adam and Eve (to eat the apple or not?) to Hamlet (to be or not?) to globalization (e pluribus unum or not?). Why is it so hard to make up our minds? Adam and Eve set the template: Do we or don't we eat the apple? They chose, half-heartedly, and nothing was ever the same again. With this book, Kenneth Weisbrode offers a crisp, literate, and provocative introduction to the age-old struggle with ambivalence. Ambivalence results from a basic desire to have it both ways. This is only natural—although insisting upon it against all reason often results not in "both" but in the disappointing "neither." Ambivalence has insinuated itself into our culture as a kind of obligatory reflex, or default position, before practically every choice we make. It affects not only individuals; organizations, societies, and cultures can also be ambivalent. How often have we asked the scornful question, "Are we the Hamlet of nations"? How often have we demanded that our leaders ap.
Nov 11, 2016 ... Wheeler and Reich conjectured that people cultivate ambivalence to protect their feelings in the face of uncertainty, similar to the way people ....
Ambivalence, by Yoshinori Hayashi.
Ambivalence Is Awful. No, Wait, It’s Awesome..
Programs designed to prevent pregnancy need to give young women information about pregnancy and opportunities to discuss the topic so that they form opinions. Furthermore, programs should emphasize positive attitudes toward contraception, because effective contraceptive use is shaped by such attitud ….
Smalltown Supersound is proud to be releasing Yoshinori Hayashi's debut album, Ambivalence, on October 26th. Previous work by the Tokyo-based producer ....
NounEdit. ambivalence (countable and uncountable, plural ambivalences). The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings (such as love and hate) towards a ....
Jun 13, 2013 ... Ambivalence refers to the state of experiencing conflicting beliefs or feelings ... An ambivalent person may feel very strongly about the subject at ...
On Ambivalence.
Definition of ambivalence |.
Ambivalence definition, uncertainty or fluctuation, especially when caused by inability to make a choice or by a simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite or ....
Nations' income inequality predicts ambivalence in stereotype content: how societies mind the gap - PubMed.
Find 19 ways to say ambivalence, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at , the world's most trusted free thesaurus..
Is Ambivalence Healthy? Researchers Have Mixed Feelings.
Synonyms of ambivalence |.
Ambivalence and pregnancy: adolescents' attitudes, contraceptive use and pregnancy - PubMed.
Ambivalence is a state of having simultaneous conflicting reactions, beliefs, or feelings towards some object. Stated another way, ambivalence is the experience ....
A concise guide to ambivalence, from Adam and Eve (to eat the apple or not?) to Hamlet (to be or not?) to globalization (e pluribus unum or not?). Why is it so hard to make up our minds? Adam and Eve set the template: Do we or don't we eat the apple? They chose, half-heartedly, and nothing was ever the same again. With this book, Kenneth Weisbrode offers a crisp, literate, and provocative introduction to the age-old struggle with ambivalence. Ambivalence results from a basic desire to have it both ways. This is only natural—although insisting upon it against all reason often results not in "both" but in the disappointing "neither." Ambivalence has insinuated itself into our culture as a kind of obligatory reflex, or default position, before practically every choice we make. It affects not only individuals; organizations, societies, and cultures can also be ambivalent. How often have we asked the scornful question, "Are we the Hamlet of nations"? How often have we demanded that our leaders ap.
Nov 11, 2016 ... Wheeler and Reich conjectured that people cultivate ambivalence to protect their feelings in the face of uncertainty, similar to the way people ....
Ambivalence, by Yoshinori Hayashi.
Ambivalence Is Awful. No, Wait, It’s Awesome..
Programs designed to prevent pregnancy need to give young women information about pregnancy and opportunities to discuss the topic so that they form opinions. Furthermore, programs should emphasize positive attitudes toward contraception, because effective contraceptive use is shaped by such attitud ….
Smalltown Supersound is proud to be releasing Yoshinori Hayashi's debut album, Ambivalence, on October 26th. Previous work by the Tokyo-based producer ....
NounEdit. ambivalence (countable and uncountable, plural ambivalences). The coexistence of opposing attitudes or feelings (such as love and hate) towards a ....
Jun 13, 2013 ... Ambivalence refers to the state of experiencing conflicting beliefs or feelings ... An ambivalent person may feel very strongly about the subject at ...
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