Primate sees realist documentarian Frederick Wiseman hone his lens on the inmates of the Yerkes Primate Research Centre. A representative scientist explains the aims and outcomes of the organisation, describing the mating habits and relationships of the animals.

Primate (1974)
Genre: Documentary
Cast: Libbie Osinski, Junius Quitzon, Miss Emmalee Veum, Kathryn Green, Dr. Kasey Hodkiewicz
Crew: Frederick Wiseman, Frederick Wiseman, Frederick Wiseman, William Brayne
Release: 1974-12-05
Budget: $4,120,293
Revenue: $88,613,234
Baker: Bonnie Kilback
Musician OR Singer: Dr. Tracey Windler III
Recreational Vehicle Service Technician: Jorge Larkin II
Ophthalmic Laboratory Technician: Melyna Lind
Advertising Manager OR Promotions Manager: Arvilla Abbott II
Product Promoter: Anne Hoeger
Exhibit Designer: Kaelyn Considine
Medical Records Technician: Elta Ullrich
Maintenance Supervisor: Ms. Tabitha Yundt V
Engineering: Ms. Ivah Hamill
Cast: Libbie Osinski, Junius Quitzon, Miss Emmalee Veum, Kathryn Green, Dr. Kasey Hodkiewicz
Crew: Frederick Wiseman, Frederick Wiseman, Frederick Wiseman, William Brayne
Release: 1974-12-05
Budget: $4,120,293
Revenue: $88,613,234
Baker: Bonnie Kilback
Musician OR Singer: Dr. Tracey Windler III
Recreational Vehicle Service Technician: Jorge Larkin II
Ophthalmic Laboratory Technician: Melyna Lind
Advertising Manager OR Promotions Manager: Arvilla Abbott II
Product Promoter: Anne Hoeger
Exhibit Designer: Kaelyn Considine
Medical Records Technician: Elta Ullrich
Maintenance Supervisor: Ms. Tabitha Yundt V
Engineering: Ms. Ivah Hamill
Primate definition an archbishop or bishop ranking first among the bishops of a province or country See more.
A primate is any mammal of the group that includes lemurs lorises tarsiers monkeys apes and humans The order Primates with its 300 or more species is the third most diverse order of mammals after rodents and bats This is a list of selected primates ordered alphabetically by taxonomic.
Primate ˈ p r aɪ m ə t is a title or rank bestowed on some important archbishops in certain Christian churches Depending on the particular tradition it can denote either jurisdictional authority title of authority or usually ceremonial precedence title of honour .
Primate definition is a bishop who has precedence in a province a group of provinces or a nation How to use primate in a sentence.
primate definition 1 a member of the most developed and intelligent group of mammals including humans monkeys and… Learn more.
I’m a primate You’re a primate Everyone reading this blog is a primate That’s not news We hear it all he time Humans are primates But what does that really mean.
Primate in zoology any mammal of the group that includes the lemurs lorises tarsiers monkeys apes and humans The order Primates with its 300 or more species is the third most diverse order of mammals after rodents Rodentia and bats Chiroptera Many primates have high levels of intelligence.
A primate is any member of the biological order Primates the group that contains all the species commonly related to the lemurs monkeys and apes with the latter category including humans.
A primate ˈ p r aɪ m eɪ t PRYmayt from Latin primat from primus prime first rank is a eutherian mammal constituting the taxonomic order Primates p r aɪ ˈ m eɪ t iː z Primates arose 85–55 million years ago first from small terrestrial mammals which adapted to living in the trees of tropical forests many primate characteristics represent adaptations to life in .
pri·mate prī′mĭt māt′ n 1 prī′māt′ Any of various mammals of the order Primates which consists of the lemurs lorises tarsiers New World monkeys Old World monkeys and apes including humans and is characterized by nails on the hands and feet a short snout and a large brain 2 A bishop of highest rank in a province or
A primate is any mammal of the group that includes lemurs lorises tarsiers monkeys apes and humans The order Primates with its 300 or more species is the third most diverse order of mammals after rodents and bats This is a list of selected primates ordered alphabetically by taxonomic.
Primate ˈ p r aɪ m ə t is a title or rank bestowed on some important archbishops in certain Christian churches Depending on the particular tradition it can denote either jurisdictional authority title of authority or usually ceremonial precedence title of honour .
Primate definition is a bishop who has precedence in a province a group of provinces or a nation How to use primate in a sentence.
primate definition 1 a member of the most developed and intelligent group of mammals including humans monkeys and… Learn more.
I’m a primate You’re a primate Everyone reading this blog is a primate That’s not news We hear it all he time Humans are primates But what does that really mean.
Primate in zoology any mammal of the group that includes the lemurs lorises tarsiers monkeys apes and humans The order Primates with its 300 or more species is the third most diverse order of mammals after rodents Rodentia and bats Chiroptera Many primates have high levels of intelligence.
A primate is any member of the biological order Primates the group that contains all the species commonly related to the lemurs monkeys and apes with the latter category including humans.
A primate ˈ p r aɪ m eɪ t PRYmayt from Latin primat from primus prime first rank is a eutherian mammal constituting the taxonomic order Primates p r aɪ ˈ m eɪ t iː z Primates arose 85–55 million years ago first from small terrestrial mammals which adapted to living in the trees of tropical forests many primate characteristics represent adaptations to life in .
pri·mate prī′mĭt māt′ n 1 prī′māt′ Any of various mammals of the order Primates which consists of the lemurs lorises tarsiers New World monkeys Old World monkeys and apes including humans and is characterized by nails on the hands and feet a short snout and a large brain 2 A bishop of highest rank in a province or
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